How To Get A Replacement Car Key Without The Original?
How To Get A Replacement Car Key Without The Original?

How To Get A Replacement Car Key Without The Original? Don’t worry, there are several ways to get a new key made without it. In this post, we’ll outline the three most common methods and help you choose the best option for your needs. Keep reading for more information!

The replacement of a car key without the original can be a tricky process, but with the right information it can be done fairly easily. You will need to provide some documentation and proof of ownership in order to get a new key made, so make sure you have that ready before you start the process.

How To Get A Replacement Car Key Without The Original

How To Get A Replacement Car Key Without The Original

If you have lost your car keys, or if they have been stolen, you will need to get a replacement key made. The process can be a bit tricky, but with the right information it can be done fairly easily. You will need to provide some documentation and proof of ownership in order to get a new key made, so make sure you have that ready before you start the process.

  • The first step is to contact your local dealership or locksmith. They will be able to help you out and give you the information that you need in order to get a new key made.
  • Make sure that you have all of the necessary documentation with you, such as your driver’s license and registration papers. You may also need to show proof of insurance.
  • Once you have everything that you need, the next step is to get the new key made. This can be done at a dealership or locksmith, but it is usually cheaper to do it at a locksmith.
  • They will have the proper tools and equipment to make sure that the new key works with your car.
  • Once you have the new key, you will need to put it in the ignition and start the car.

If everything goes well, then you should be able to drive off without any problems.

If you are still having trouble, then you can always contact a tow truck company. They will be able to help you out and give you a ride to a nearby dealership or locksmith so that you can get your new key made. This is usually the last resort, but it is always an option if you are having trouble getting a new key made on your own.

Know What Type of Car Key You Need

Know What Type of Car Key You Need

There are different types of car keys for different types of cars. The type of car key you need depends on the year your vehicle was manufactured. Usually, you can get a standard key from a locksmith or, in some cases, a hardware store if your car was manufactured before 1981. There are generally no specialized electronic components in older vehicles, such as transponders or chips.

The technology in vehicles made after 1981 is generally more advanced. Transponder keys may need to be created by a locksmith. You should go to your dealer or an automotive locksmith in this case. 

You may need a smart key replacement if you have a newer car or your original key was a key fob. Key fobs communicate with your vehicle’s ignition and need to be close by to start your car. If you need a replacement, you’ll need to buy a new fob at your car dealership or an automotive store to get one programmed.

Also Read: How To Charge A Car Battery Without A Charger?

Is It Possible To Make a Key Based on the VIN Number?

If you can prove ownership of your vehicle, a VIN number can be used to make a car key. Using the VIN number, a key code can be pulled to cut a car key. Most vehicle keys also have transponders and must be programmed into the vehicle.


It is possible to get a replacement car key without the original. There are several ways to do this, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The best way to go about getting a new key for your car will depend on your specific situation. Hopefully, this article has given you some helpful information that will make the process easier.

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I'm David, and I love cars - especially writing about them! I'm the owner of, where I write car reviews and offer advice on car technical issues. My passion for cars started at a young age, when I would help my dad work on our family's vehicles. These days, I spend most of my time test-driving new models and researching the latest automotive technology. I'm always looking for a new challenge, so be sure to check out my website for the latest in car reviews and news. Thanks for reading!


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